School Food Punishment (スクール フード パニッシュメント)

Easily one of my favorite Japanese bands. Yumi Uchimura has a voice that is out of this world, and Masayuki Hasuo, Hideaki Yamasaki, and Osamu Hidai blend together a unique sound which makes for some really easy listening. Uchimura writes all of the lyrics herself, and if you ever come to understand them or look them up you will be amazed with her emotional depth. Overall, FSP is a pleasing departure from mainstream J-Pop which has become more Americanized over the years.
CD Singles
- futuristic imagination (May 27, 2009)
- butterfly swimmer (July 22, 2009)
- sea-through communication (October 7, 2009)
- light prayer (December 2, 2009)
- future nova/after laughter (March 10, 2010)
- RPG (May 11, 2011)
- amp-reflection (April 14, 2010)
Indie Singles
- feedback/Futari Umi no Soko (released December 10, 2008)
- school food is good food (released April 4, 2007)
- air feel, color swim (released November 21, 2007)
Atmosphere (アトモスフィア)
Go and listen to some Atmosphere right now. Made up of Sean Daley (Slug) and Anthony Davis (Ant), Atmosphere is one of the best independent hip hop groups in America. What really sells Atmosphere for me besides marvelous beats is Sean's lyrical genius. Atmosphere brings a human aspect to the table with down to Earth lyrics which are just down right pleasant. No doubt some songs deal with more controversial issues like drug use and an abusive childhood, yet Atmosphere is never superficial.
- Overcast! (1997)
- God Loves Ugly (2002)
- Seven's Travels (2003)
- Headshots: SE7EN (2005)
- You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having (2005)
- When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold (2008)
- The Family Sign (2011)
- Overcast! EP (1997)
- Sad Clown Bad Dub II (2000)
- Lucy Ford: The Atmosphere EPs (2001)
- Happy Clown Bad Dub 8/Fun EP (2006)
- Sad Clown Bad Summer (2007)
- Sad Clown Bad Fall (2007)
- Sad Clown Bad Winter (2007)
- Sad Clown Bad Spring (2008)
- Leak At Will (2009)
- To All My Friends, Blood Makes The Blade Holy: The Atmosphere EP's (2010)