Thursday, November 3, 2011

Care Packages A La Mode

Dear Followers,

I couldn't handle having warning signs all over my blog anymore, so I decided to install a new template. As always, the instructions provided by the internet were insufficient in effectively guiding me through the reconstruction process, and much of what you see is the result of a schizophrenic guess-and-check process with HTML. After playing around for around an hour or so, I finally have created a blog design that I am comfortable with.

I really shouldn't be blogging today, but once I start something I have a really hard time stopping. So, here's an onslaught of posts for anybody who's interested. The substance of the post you are reading right now is basically a conglomeration of individual posts I mean to write but never got around to. Man, a lot of the information I have on my computer should have been posted a long time ago. Anyways (come on Amy, you know you want to call me out), let's get started.

First, here a few scans which I felt needed to be posted. During the summer, I felt kind of lonely with some of my best buds living outside of Minnesota for extended periods of time. I reasoned that if I was missing them, they would probably be missing some of their friends in Minnesota as well. So, I decided to put together a couple of "care packages" to send to them to give them something to remember home by.

I could have sent some freshly-baked food items like cookies or whatever, but I wanted to send them something they would remember. So,  I wrote a couple of letters by hand, smacked on some Asian females, and applied some fresh postage stamps. There's no better pick-me-up than your own personal harem which can cheer you on. I understand that most of this Japanese is incorrect and illogical. I just wanted to practice my Hiragana at the time. The school girl in the bottom left looks kind of like Sophie Zhou.

Second, for Cosette Haugen's birthday this year, I recognized that I would probably be giving her the last, if not one of the last, presents of mine ever. So, I toiled for 4 hours on a drawing she could remember me by. Unfortunately, I was unable to make her actual birthday party because she decided to post the information at midnight the night before when I was already fast asleep. Whatever. Happy belated birthday Cozy-Katz! Keep dreaming!

That's all for now. I am prioritizing posting a new A-Music over posting more random pieces of information. Let me know what you all think of the new template if you get a chance.

Moe Moe Omelette,


JZ said...

Moe moe omelette :3
But yeah, to this day I have no idea what that letter you sent to me back in the summer meant... Also, that is one legit drawing. Template is solid NJ quality.

APYC said...

Thanks JZ.

The letter was just a message in English coded with Hiragana. The point wasn't for you to read it, because if you did, you would feel awkward...

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