Dear Followers,
Shows like Clannad ~After Story~ serve as reminders as to why I watch anime in the first place. Anime is an artistic medium which, when masterfully crafted, can invoke unique emotional reactions and provide unforgettable experiences for viewers. Good anime is neither defined by flashy 1080p visuals nor unnecessarily complex narratives which cater to a dominant, while unrepresentative demographic. For me, while inherently escapist, good anime serves as an interpretation of reality, with the actions of individual characters serving as a model by which we may act on such an interpretation. Good anime should leave a developmental mark on viewers, for better or worse, as a product of a collective and involved experience. After finishing Clannad ~After Story~, I can't help but analyze the messages concerning family and happiness presented. The reviews I post on here serve as closure for my viewing experiences, helping me capture what meaningful impact some shows have had on me. But enough about me.
As far as Clannad ~After Story~ goes, the first 8 episodes, runoff from the first season are rubbish. Not only do they detract from the realism of the show by pushing believablility to its limits, but in some ways they hurt instead of help how the viewer perceives various characters. For instance, Mei drops a few rankings in my book because of her irrational older brother complex which seems to have no substantive basis apart from a few cherished memories, especially when after the episode Sunohara doesn't even change in the slightest manner. In addition, who is Yukine and why do we care? I'm not going to lie: Clannad's gimmicky joke structure had me laughing like crazy someimes. But, I honestly don't even remember anything which helped to drive the main narrative forward coming from these episodes. Because the first and second half of the show are so different, I have bestowed a somewhat inflated score to Clannad ~After Story~ because I didn't want the first half to overshadow the second.
However, from episode 9 onward, Key/KyoAni begin to work some magic. For once in an anime, the viewer is given the chance to explore what happens beyond the carefree experience of high school days, a unique experience which many animes ignore completely. The pacing of the second half of the series is wonderful, with each episode packed with just enough to advance the story yet allow the viewer to relish what they have just experienced. With each episode, Okazaki is carefully building, piece by piece, his new family as we come along for the ride. We feel the hardship Okazaki faces in making ends meet, but can't help but feel like everything is going to work out in the end. Anybody familiar with Key could probably detect the looming sense of doom as the days pass, but even inexperienced viewers can't help but feel uneasy, especially after Nagisa's pregnancy is explained to present numerous difficulties by several of the characters in the show.
![Clannad picture Picture](
Maybe I'm just weird, but I couldn't help but notice a complete lack of intimacy between Nagisa and Tomoya during Clannad ~After Story~. I mean, even after becoming married, I don't remember Nagisa nor Tomoya even so much as hugging. And then, out of the blue, apparently Nagisa is pregnant? While in the later episodes of the series, the artificial flashbacks show moments of intimacy, such moments are missed in the linear narrative presented to the viewer. But hey, whatever. As I was saying, each of the hints Clannad ~After Story~ lays out for the viewer concerning the impending doom awaiting Nagisa creates a growing sense of uneasiness and powerlessness to change the coming course of events. The scene in which Nagisa passes is beautifully crafted. Against a backdrop of pure white, Tomoya, holding Ushio in one hand, Nagisa's hand in another, watches as Nagisa's consciousness slowly fades. He can only pretend what is happening before his eyes is a dream as the backdrop would suggest. A montage of memories of Nagisa flash across the screen as she passes driving home the weight of the loss. We, not only Tomoya, have lost Nagisa as well.
Nagis'as death is so integral in Clannad ~After Story~ because it does not serve as an end-all. Tomoya is faced with the sobering experience of dealing with loss and we have to join him on the ride. Tomoya falls into a pit of despair, casting off all of the redeemable qualities we had seen him slowly build up during Clannad. When Tomoya emerges, he is noting short of what I like to call a classic d-bag. I wanted to slap Tomoya in the face, especially after seeing how he carries himself in front of his daughter, cursing her very existence as the source of his degrading emotional state. How can you feel any feeling of hatred whatsoever towards Ushio? Herein, however, lies one of anime's most dramatic and fleshed out cases of character development to date. As a reluctant Tomoya accompanies Ushio on a vacation, we finally recieve an answer to the major loose end from Clannad regarding the relationship between Tomoya and his father. The symbolism and cinematography here work wonders, perfectly capturing the essence of the show within a few lines of dialogue. Here is the scene in question if you so please.
With Tomoya resolving to dedicate himself to protecting and raising his daughter Ushio, his life becomes switched up, allowing the viewer to almost rest easy for a few episodes before well... Ushio dies. I know many people will disagree with me, but I feel like Ushio's death is completely unnecessary. Even if the directors' wanted to capture the emotional suffering of Tomoya, Ushio's death is crossing the line and in addition, her death receives none of the treatment given to Nagisa's. Not only is the scene repetitively executed, but we are given no indication of the impact of her death on Tomoya or anybody for that matter. Instead of facing the consequences of killing off a beloved 5-year old girl by explaining of the event fits into the main narrative, Key has decided to take the easy way out and simply extend the narrative of the girl and robot in the desolate world as a means of bringing everybody back to life. This is not to say I do not enjoy an ending where everybody is happy, but I really wanted something more from Clannad ~After Story~. What exactly, I can't really say.
Looks like this review is useless unless you have seen the show. Oh well. This is what happens when I write reviews at 1 in the morning.
Perhaps what made Clannad ~After Story~ so memorable and valuable for me was how the show has some relevance, while limited, of my own position. Like the main characters, I am a senior in high school who will soon become a member of society. The powerful message of the importance of family and finding your own happiness portrayed in the show will soon be very important to me as I seek to find my own place in the world. But, once again, enough about me. Clannad ~After Story~ is a remarkable piece of work. You would be a fool to pass up what, in my mind, is one of the best slice-of-life animes around. While Clannad and the first episodes of Clannad ~After Story~ may leave you unsatisfied, the last collection of episodes are powerful enough to justify the initial journey. I whole heartedly recommend Clannad and Clannad ~After Story~, especially with Winter Break just around the corner.
Dango Daikazoku,
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