Man I suck at blogging. Leave it to me to wait until the very last day of SSBBR before writing a single post. Well, for house keeping purposes, here's a list of what I missed out on blogging about:
1) college decision circle jerk
2) SSBBR @ WashU
3) prom shenanigans
4) anime & sexuality
5) becoming a college student
6) camping @ BWCA
7) graduation party hopping
8) Eureka seveN AO fail
9) Minnesnowta pride
10) Legend of Korra
Well, I guess I'll try to do my best to recall all of the fantastic memories from the past six weeks. At first I was a bit anxious, leaving my high school friends for six weeks to spend my time with a bunch of students who willingly gave up a summer of circle jerking in order to pursue research. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded, and I had the honor of hanging out with one of the kewlest kollections of people I have ever known.
From taking the wrong bus to Princeton Heights to gulfing down a 28" Pointersaurus, SSBBR has been a lot of fun (yes, I recognize the dangling participle). I don't have enough consciousness to write a comprehensive post, and, given how lazy I am, I probably never will get around to writing one. The purpose of this post I guess is to just serve as a marker for when I need a small catalyst for reminiscing with my rose-colored glasses on.
Here are a few key-words: FIFA 12, DUC smoothies, Quiz Bowl, Smash Bros., SCHWEINSTEIGER, LS, P-Heights Crew, expressionless Ron, foolishness, I am functionally a fork, GET BIG, you only had one job, JAMBICA, I don't always tell stories, Naveen is a PI, PS naming game, IT'S A TRAP, lengthy anecdotes, THE CULT, be careful Obina, call in a UAV, it's all about possession, shut up Sokka, STEAM.
Today our lab went out for lunch at Mai Lee about a block away from the Galleria (why does every one of my awesome vacations have an iconic Galleria?). At the beginning of SSBBR I couldn't even stand picking worms, resorting to carrying out mass wormicide in order to prevent myself from going insane. But after getting to know everybody in my lab, after a couple of I Waste So Much Time/YouTube sessions with Gary, lab became much more enjoyable. I'm even seriously considering going back now.
Well, I should probably pack, considering I have to catch a flight at 6 tomorrow. I can only cross my fingers and hope I don't find myself in the position where I venture into STEAM and pull up Civilization V. I refuse to go to bed at 5 AM after America has the audacity to invade my land two days in a row. It's been good SSBBR.
nice post moog
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